Wuraola Sunmonu Young
2 min readApr 8, 2020


"Hello! Just checking on you. Keep well, keep safe.”

A few will follow with

“How're you?”

I have gotten messages checking up on me, it’s nice to be remembered by so many people. I usually respond, asking how they and their families are doing.

As usual, the response to the question

“How are you?” is,

“I’m fine.”


I’m so afraid, I haven’t been sleeping well.

I’m worried about my elderly parents.

I’ve had a sore throat and I’m terrified of what it may mean.

What will happen to my kids if I fall ill?

We barely have food to last 2 days.

I’m emotionally drained from the calls for help from people.

I’ve become anxious from the endless negative news.
In the space in time we are now, please let’s go beyond people’s (often fake) claim of being ok.

If the relationship permits, go a little deeper, ask specific questions

“I hope you are sleeping well.”

“How are the kids coping with limited movement and homeschooling?”

“How is it working from home?”

“How are your parents?”

“What are you doing to keep busy?"

Sometimes all we need is an assurance that things will be okay or someone who can listen to our concerns and worries.

Most times we don’t need a shrink or advice, just a listening ear and deep breaths.

To be heard.
And to breathe.

Your SoulSister,




Wuraola Sunmonu Young

Creator, Decisions of Power process. Lead, Sisters in Business Leadership Network. Writer. Podcaster. Talk show host.